Sunday, 13 July 2014



another branch on year gone from the tree of life,another year closer to the earth and Him The Almighty.Sekali lagi kita mengaplikasikan teori maths,moga amal berkadarlangsung dengan usia =).be it a year wiser,richer with experience and good deeds.

dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani
selamatkan hari dan urusan kami ya Salaam[memberi keselamatan],dijauhkan dari musibah dan kesusahan,ya Muhaimin[pelindung]
lepaskan belenggu kami ya Baari-u[melepaskan]
ampunkan dosa2 kami yang lalu dan akan datang ya Ghaffar[pengampun]
murahkan rezeki kami dengan barakah ya Razzaaq[pemberi rezeki],ya Fattaah[pembuka pintu rahmat].limpahkan rahmah dan kasih sayangMu ke atas kami,ya Wahhab[pemberi kurnia]
tinggikan darjat kami dengan iman ya Mudzillu[memuliakan]
tetapkan hati kami di jalanMu ya Hafiidhu[memelihara]
tambah indahkan peribadi dan akhlak kami ya Lathiiru[penyantun],ya Haliimu[penyabar]
permudahkan segala urusan kami ya Allah

I sit and wonder 
Is it true? it has come....

A year passed by never the waves of the Ocean the days lingered away
Dalam sedar atau me grow how a naughty kiddo a young lady has grown

But different  in this year.. No more beautiful more singing.. and beautiful presents..and no more surprising like last year...hah look sadly right.. but there is no more beautiful soul yang lebih indah di rasa bila the blast full of the doa.. yes.. This years my birthday jatuh pada hari buat solat hajat dan doa selamat. Alhamdulillah...Rezeki.

As I sat infront of the window and wondered away, how thankful i'm Puan Emak you give me birth..Oh I'm your little girl, the girl you gave birth on a July month...I'm surely proud of what I have become a young lady on her own...You are the best for no one understand your pure love, I cant express how much love I have for you, and no feelings or words can fill the space.

I stared at the window and rekindled the memories of how i grew and fought the years...

If only I wish is no the beautiful cake or another thing but, protection from Allah,good family and the good friend who are really wanna stay by myside..accept buruk baik kekurangan yang ada.. yang ada bila diperlukan..dalam senang dalam susah..yang selalu kasi semangat untuk terus melangkah... to be a loyalty friends is really hurt.. I know..cause I'm one of them.. you still stay whereaver you hurt. Never give up to share what you have..always wanna be the one bila diperlukan...bersanggupan susah demi never think bout yourself..your feelings.. If they terlupa bout you.. Its okay sekurang-kurangnya.. all the kindest of them  still with you...  :')

Life has made me strong and challenged me alot..  I thank ALLAH for 1 passed and make me stronger and different person..hope n year will be a good one for me Reality has really hit me today and I wonder what a strong battle I fought and I wish I stay n make my dream come true... INSYAALLAH..

Mohon maaf andai ada silap dan salah terkasar,ada tutur bicara atau perilaku yang mencalar perasaan sesiapa pun..Salam Ramadhan..Salam bulan penuh berkat.

May the new day be another fresh start
May the new day bring all hopes and dreams to be accomplished
May the new day be another cherished memories for tomorrow

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